

U bent van harte welkom in mijn nieuwe praktijkruimte aan de Kaya Barbera 7 Damasco Resort. Voor het maken van een afspraak kunt u mij bereiken op telefoonnummer 6711368

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Online coaching in tijden van ‘social distancing’

Heb jij behoefte aan coaching in deze tijd waarin voor je gevoel niks meer zeker is en alles stil ligt? Dankzij e-coaching hoeft ‘social distancing’ een coachgesprek niet in de weg te staan. Gesprekken worden niet gevoerd face to face/fysiek maar kunnen live online...

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Terug op Curaçao!

Sinds juli 2018 woon en werk ik weer op Curaçao. U bent van harte welkom in mijn nieuwe praktijk aan de Toni Kunchi 44. Voor het maken van een afspraak kunt u mij bereiken op telefoonnummer 6711368.

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  Een langdurige liefdevolle relatie is een wens die niet altijd vanzelf in vervulling gaat. Hoe goed je bedoelingen ook zijn, soms bots je met je partner. Of misschien merk je wel dat zich in jouw relaties steeds dezelfde patronen voordoen. Relaties, hoe doe je...

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connecting in relationships and repairing disconnections

George Faller shares how he went from a blue collar neighborhood in Queens to the NYPD and NYFD and, following 9/11, then to becoming one of the country's leading experts in Emotionally Focused Therapy. George helps us understand the dynamics of relational connection...

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How to hug a porcupine

With a foreword by noted psychotherapist Dr. Debbie Ellis, widow of Dr. Albert Ellis,  How to Hug a Porcupine is a truly special book. Most of us know someone who, for whatever reason, always seems to cause problems, irritate others, or incite conflict. Often, these...

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Hold Me Tight Dr Sue Johnson

Are you looking to enrich a healthy relationship, revitalize a tired one, or rescue one gone awry? We all want a lifetime of love, support, and companionship. But sometimes we need a little help. Enter Dr. Sue Johnson, developer of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy...

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Five Things Your Employees Are Unhappy About

Forbes/Leadership By Liz Ryan CEO and founder of Human Workplace. I get a lot of mail from HR leaders and department managers who have questions about employee satisfaction. Since few if any business schools or HR training programs teach people about fear and trust,...

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How to get the most out of your Executive Coach

By Stuart J. Barnett The use of executive coaching to enhance leadership, interpersonal skills and business strategy has proliferated in recent years. No longer is it sign of trouble but rather a sign of the continual pursuit of improvement. In a recent blogpost,...

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How to create an open environment

FROM THE JANUARY–FEBRUARY 2016 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW ISSUE Can Your Employees Really Speak Freely? by James R. Detert and Ethan R. Burris No matter how approachable you may be as a manager, chances are good that your employees are withholding valuable intelligence...

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As some of you may know I recently relocated from Curacao to St. Maarten. Coaching has been my passion for many years and I am excited at the opportunity to bring my expertise to the island. On this blog I will be sharing articles I enjoyed reading and books that...

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Professional Relationship Coaching
Couples Coaching
Personal Growth Coaching